Walking : still learning, sometimes she thinks she can run and ends up falling... mama has to watch her very closely. She has her first bump on the forehead at the park last week.
Reading: she loves to read (or flip) board books, especially the bible given by brigitte jei jei.
Talking: KK loves to call "baba", she can also say nana (banana), bye bye, kum kum (piano), ball ball, dada (dan dan = egg), kitty (hello kitty), di di (her my melody), yee yee, kun kun, nai nai (milk), etc. Lately, she loves to pretends talking on the phone, it's very funny.

Ian - 2 months
Ian has grown so much, doubled his birth weight. He is having 5-6oz per feeding. And he can now focus on our faces and occasionally response to us with a smile. Ian has strong neck (likes to lift his head) and grip (especially when he grabs mama's hair...).