At her 9 month well visit, KK weighs 17lb9oz, 28in tall. KK has picked up quite a lot of skills these couple months: sit up really well, push up to sit, pull up to stand, clap, wave, picking up food with her fingers, etc. She is learning to crawl and stand too.

We had a very nice July 4th with family, including yee yee, yee cheung, tai por from SF. Even though KK was a little sick, she was still very playful. We had our 1st BBQ at our backyard, and KK watched the fireworks for the first time.
KK is getting more and more funny... watch her.
Dance? (taken in May 08, 7 months)
Pick up toys with legs (taken in June 08)
Clap (taken around 7/4 weekend)