Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
KK - 18 months
Mama wants to record what KK can do or say since she is getting forgetful...
People she names: mama, baba, kun kun, por por, yee yee, Elken (her friend at church), cheung (Jaci, this is new, when i showed her B and Jaci's pic couple nights ago), je je, gor gor, and dei dei (ian), ar yee (her babysitter), and her friends at daycare.
She can say her favorite food: nanana (banana), su su (water), bao bao (bread), si si (cheese), apple, nai nai (milk), ben ben (cookie), tze (grapes), si gua (watermelon from violet's toy), etc.
And when she sees a birthday cake, she says "to you", oh and "Yummy"
Animals: wo woo (dog), meow meow (cat), chu chu (pig), moo moo cow, panda, bird bird, yu yu (fish), and cheung cheung (elephant), waa (frog), guai guai (turtle), bumble bee, lady bug... and her favorite is buttefly, she will do the flying motion and say "fei"
We: dinasaur
KK opens her jaw
We: lion
KK: wow (roars)
We: ching wa (frog)
KK: rippit
We: thank you Jesus (at the end of prayer)
KK: men (Amen)
Singing: KK always surprises me of how much songs she actually knows. She can fill in the words when I stop singing, usually the last words of the phrase. Some of the songs she knows:
Pat a cake
Hickery dickery dock
Twinkle twinkle little star
Ants go marching one by one
Litte Indian boy
Row row row your boat
Jesus loves me
Rejoice in the Lord
From Sound of Music (so long farewell; do ri mi)
Chinese songs (a dog song, a piggy song, a fishy song, rabbit and turtle, etc.)
KK loves to read and a lot times she speaks her own language, like on the phone or while she reads.
People she names: mama, baba, kun kun, por por, yee yee, Elken (her friend at church), cheung (Jaci, this is new, when i showed her B and Jaci's pic couple nights ago), je je, gor gor, and dei dei (ian), ar yee (her babysitter), and her friends at daycare.
She can say her favorite food: nanana (banana), su su (water), bao bao (bread), si si (cheese), apple, nai nai (milk), ben ben (cookie), tze (grapes), si gua (watermelon from violet's toy), etc.
And when she sees a birthday cake, she says "to you", oh and "Yummy"
Animals: wo woo (dog), meow meow (cat), chu chu (pig), moo moo cow, panda, bird bird, yu yu (fish), and cheung cheung (elephant), waa (frog), guai guai (turtle), bumble bee, lady bug... and her favorite is buttefly, she will do the flying motion and say "fei"
We: dinasaur
KK opens her jaw
We: lion
KK: wow (roars)
We: ching wa (frog)
KK: rippit
We: thank you Jesus (at the end of prayer)
KK: men (Amen)
Singing: KK always surprises me of how much songs she actually knows. She can fill in the words when I stop singing, usually the last words of the phrase. Some of the songs she knows:
Pat a cake
Hickery dickery dock
Twinkle twinkle little star
Ants go marching one by one
Litte Indian boy
Row row row your boat
Jesus loves me
Rejoice in the Lord
From Sound of Music (so long farewell; do ri mi)
Chinese songs (a dog song, a piggy song, a fishy song, rabbit and turtle, etc.)
KK loves to read and a lot times she speaks her own language, like on the phone or while she reads.
Ian - 5 months

3/6 at his 4 month well visit
13lb13oz (weight)
24in (length)
16in (head circumference)
Ian is cooing, squealing, laughing out loud. He is no longer fuzzy at 9pm like he used to every night for 2 hrs when he was 2-3 months old, which definitely makes baba very happy.

Thank God that Ian is another happy baby.
Now Ian is 5.5 months. He knows how to roll over, grab toys, and loves to examine his hands and fingers, and looking at the mirror. Mama thinks he is great the he can fall asleep on his own, but Baba still loves to carry him until he falls asleep.
Our stay at Children's Hospital in Central California
Our trip to Fresno 3/28-30
3/28 - Great grandma's funeral. We drove up to Fresno early in the morning. Mama was comforted to see all her family and relatives and to remember por por together.
3/28 - 3/30 Mama and Baba stayed with KK at the hospital
We noticed KK's left eyelid was a little pink and swollen on our ride to Fresno, but it just got worse after the service, so we took her to ER in the afternoon. KK was admitted for antiobiotics with IVs right the way (well, after 5 hrs at ER, which is relatively short). It was 11pm when we finally got to our room. Baba and Mama stayed with KK in the hospital while Ian stayed with grandma and grandpa at 2 Kou Kun's house. We're so fortunate that KK got immediate treatment, Ian was well taken care of, and the hospital is only 10 mins away.
We stayed there for 2 nights and it was a precious experience for all of us. KK remained bubbly except when the nurse refilled her antibiotics every 8 hrs. Baba played with KK at the play room every day while Mama went to see Ian. We also took KK on wagon rides all over the hospital and she would smile and greet people passing by. Meanwhile Ian was very cooperative and entertaining to all the great uncles and aunts. We feel so blessed with this unexpected experience. And thanks the staff at the hospital for their professional and pleasant service.
3/28 - Great grandma's funeral. We drove up to Fresno early in the morning. Mama was comforted to see all her family and relatives and to remember por por together.
3/28 - 3/30 Mama and Baba stayed with KK at the hospital
We noticed KK's left eyelid was a little pink and swollen on our ride to Fresno, but it just got worse after the service, so we took her to ER in the afternoon. KK was admitted for antiobiotics with IVs right the way (well, after 5 hrs at ER, which is relatively short). It was 11pm when we finally got to our room. Baba and Mama stayed with KK in the hospital while Ian stayed with grandma and grandpa at 2 Kou Kun's house. We're so fortunate that KK got immediate treatment, Ian was well taken care of, and the hospital is only 10 mins away.
We stayed there for 2 nights and it was a precious experience for all of us. KK remained bubbly except when the nurse refilled her antibiotics every 8 hrs. Baba played with KK at the play room every day while Mama went to see Ian. We also took KK on wagon rides all over the hospital and she would smile and greet people passing by. Meanwhile Ian was very cooperative and entertaining to all the great uncles and aunts. We feel so blessed with this unexpected experience. And thanks the staff at the hospital for their professional and pleasant service.
Great grandma

Our great grandma passed away 3/24... we all miss her. Mama, yee yee's and all the uncles and aunties remember great grandma as a loving, witty, cute, happy lady, devoted her life to her family, she will always be remembered. Ian doesn't have the privilege to meet great grandma but we'll tell him all about her.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Jan 21, 2009 Updates

Walking : still learning, sometimes she thinks she can run and ends up falling... mama has to watch her very closely. She has her first bump on the forehead at the park last week.
Reading: she loves to read (or flip) board books, especially the bible given by brigitte jei jei.
Talking: KK loves to call "baba", she can also say nana (banana), bye bye, kum kum (piano), ball ball, dada (dan dan = egg), kitty (hello kitty), di di (her my melody), yee yee, kun kun, nai nai (milk), etc. Lately, she loves to pretends talking on the phone, it's very funny.

Ian - 2 months
Ian has grown so much, doubled his birth weight. He is having 5-6oz per feeding. And he can now focus on our faces and occasionally response to us with a smile. Ian has strong neck (likes to lift his head) and grip (especially when he grabs mama's hair...).
Welcome my brother, Ian!
A lot happened in November...
Nov 5-6 auntie Violet from HK and helen yee came to visit us. I finally get to meet auntie Violet and made her laugh a lot.
My brother Ian was born November 8, 6lb, 18in. Ian was so anxious to come to the world that Mama delivered him within 2 hours of being admitted to the hospital. I was very good with grandma and grandpa at home. Yee yee, yee cheung, auntie violet and uncle Jackie surprised us with another short visit just to see baby ian and us again, that was so nice!
I love to see and touch Ian, he has such big eyes and mouth!
We also celebrated Mama's birthday and thanksgiving.
I'm still learning to walk and had a little accident on thanksgiving night, bumped my month to the sofa at grandma's... gum was bleeding and scared mama a lot...
Nov 5-6 auntie Violet from HK and helen yee came to visit us. I finally get to meet auntie Violet and made her laugh a lot.
I love to see and touch Ian, he has such big eyes and mouth!
We also celebrated Mama's birthday and thanksgiving.
I'm still learning to walk and had a little accident on thanksgiving night, bumped my month to the sofa at grandma's... gum was bleeding and scared mama a lot...
Friday, October 17, 2008
My 1st Birthday
My b-day celebration started off with a car ride. Baba, mama, and Helen yee yee took me to the Sea World in San Diego. We had a fun day and I was very excited to see all the fishes, dolphins, sea lions, penguins, etc. In the evening, we had dinner with kun kun, por por, and uncle Jackson's family, followed by cake cutting at home.
More pictures of my birthday
Happy Birthday, KK!!
Dear KK,
Happy 1st Birthday! Thank you for giving us an amazing year. You have been such a happy and sweet daughter that we thank God every day for you. You have helped us to learn to be more patient, gracious and understanding. You have enabled to work more closely as a team and be more efficient in multi-tasking and time management. You have made us wanting to be a better person so we can be a better parent.
Father,thank you for our joyful princess.
baba mama
Happy 1st Birthday! Thank you for giving us an amazing year. You have been such a happy and sweet daughter that we thank God every day for you. You have helped us to learn to be more patient, gracious and understanding. You have enabled to work more closely as a team and be more efficient in multi-tasking and time management. You have made us wanting to be a better person so we can be a better parent.
Father,thank you for our joyful princess.
baba mama
Friday, July 25, 2008
July 2008

At her 9 month well visit, KK weighs 17lb9oz, 28in tall. KK has picked up quite a lot of skills these couple months: sit up really well, push up to sit, pull up to stand, clap, wave, picking up food with her fingers, etc. She is learning to crawl and stand too.

We had a very nice July 4th with family, including yee yee, yee cheung, tai por from SF. Even though KK was a little sick, she was still very playful. We had our 1st BBQ at our backyard, and KK watched the fireworks for the first time.
KK is getting more and more funny... watch her.
Dance? (taken in May 08, 7 months)
Pick up toys with legs (taken in June 08)
Clap (taken around 7/4 weekend)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Road Trip to SF
June 2008
We went on a road trip (my first one) to San Jose/San Francisco a couple weeks ago. I had a great time, visiting baba's high school in Pebble Beach, meeting a lot of friends and family, and attending a wedding. Though it was a very exhausting trip, I was very good with the long car ride, spent most of the time sleeping and playing.
See Trip Pictures
This is how i fall asleep in the car...
I love tags these days...
We went on a road trip (my first one) to San Jose/San Francisco a couple weeks ago. I had a great time, visiting baba's high school in Pebble Beach, meeting a lot of friends and family, and attending a wedding. Though it was a very exhausting trip, I was very good with the long car ride, spent most of the time sleeping and playing.
See Trip Pictures
This is how i fall asleep in the car...
I love tags these days...
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Do I look like Mama?
A lot of people think I look like baba, especially when I was first born. Lately, i hear more and more comments about how I have some resemblance of mama... see if you agree.
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